3 Facts About Microneedling Treatment You Need to Know
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Microneedling has been one of the many facial treatments sought after by people of all ages and skin types. Because it is a treatment that is known for its many benefits, it has also become one of our most popular facials in Scottsdale at Aloe Beauty Spa.
But with so many people weighing in on its efficacy plus the running concerns about recovery, it’s become hard to know which sources to trust.
Thankfully, we are here to get the facts straight.
But First, What is Microneedling?
As the name suggests, microneedling involves the use of a medical-grade pen to create tiny punctures in the skin to help boost the skin’s production of collagen.
As concerning as it may come off, the procedure is safe and FDA-cleared. It causes little to no discomfort and has proven to be effective for a variety of skin types.
This procedure helps tighten and hydrate the skin, which makes it an ideal treatment for those seeking effective age management solutions. It takes care of fine lines and wrinkles like a charm.
However, it is also known as one of the dermatologist-recommended procedures to treat widespread depressed acne scars.
Take a look at 3 interesting facts that may help you consider getting a microneedling treatment.
3 Things You may not Know About Microneedling Treatment
Microneedling is Nothing New
While this procedure may seem like a hyped trend, it is quite the opposite.
Microneedling has been a practice for decades, with its conception idea credited to a German dermatologist in 1905 for an abrasion technique they used to treat acne scars.
Years later in 1996, the first prototype of the microneedling pen came out from the discovery of a Canadian plastic surgeon who observed the effects of a tattoo needle on the skin.
Today, the microneedling treatment has picked up in popularity in beauty spas across the globe. Our experts use the latest SkinStylus microneedling pen for an effective 60-minute treatment.
Down Time? Hardly Any!
As do plenty of procedures, there will be some side effects that most people will experience after microneedling. Expect skin redness to fade after 3 days or less and some skin peeling for less than a week.
This is normal and quite similar to having a sunburn. As long as you only use safe mineral-based makeup the day after and stick to the aftercare instructions from your aesthetician, your skin will turn out great.
Would you need the week off from work? Not at all. You can still go about your usual day without needing to rest or recover.
You can only get Great Results from the Pros
This procedure was reviewed and cleared by the FDA for a reason.
While DIY derma rollers may promise that it gets the same results, it really doesn’t. These rollers may put your skin at risk and result in further damage than help.
Microneedling is best done by experienced and trained professionals that take every precaution necessary.
Professional Microneedling Treatment in Scottsdale at Aloe Beauty
Are you looking for the right beauty spa in Scottsdale for your microneedling treatment?
Head on over to our studio at Aloe Beauty. Our trained and experienced specialists will take care of you and your skin concerns with our effective and relaxing spa treatment.
And if you decide that microneedling is not quite right for you, there is a wide selection of facial treatments that you can choose from with plenty of skin care benefits as well.
Book an appointment today!