Answering the Top Questions About Gua Sha Facials in Scottsdale

Arina Krasnikova via Pexels

If you’ve been following beauty trends for quite some time, then you might have heard of the term “Gua Sha.” Although, do you really know what it is?

Gua Sha has gained popularity in recent years, but this is a beauty procedure that dates back centuries ago. It originated in Ancient China, and its qualities and techniques can attest to how amazing and helpful this procedure can be.

Learning More About Gua Sha in Scottsdale

Even though this beauty “trend” has been getting more and more popular in recent years, Gua Sha is something that has existed for centuries. This technique has been passed on from generation to generation, and it has made its way from China to the United States of America.

If you want to learn more about Gua Sha, follow along our beauty journey at Aloe Beauty Spa.

In this article, we’re going to answer the top questions you might have regarding Gua Sha Facials in Scottsdale, Arizona.

What is Gua Sha?

Simply put, Gua Sha is a massage technique mainly used in Chinese medicine. This treats the face and the body using a contoured tool made of varying crystals.

There is a belief in Ancient China that the stagnant energy in our body is the underlying cause of inflammation, so this technique aims to relieve pain and tension while improving circulation.

What kinds of beauty tools can be used for Gua Sha?

The tools that are used for Gua Sha come in various shapes and sizes, though the most common ones are the s-shaped, the fish-shaped, the dolphin-shaped, the wing type, and the spoon type. Each of these tools will serve a purpose and use that can heal different parts of our bodies, so be sure to ask your esthetician which tool could be great for you.

What’s the difference between a Gua Sha and a roller?

While the Gua Sha and a roller might look different, they are actually skincare besties – you read that right! Both tools can stimulate one’s blood flow and lymph nodes, and they can help us get rid of the puffiness we might constantly be experiencing.

Although one of their main differences is the time in which you’ll use them. A roller is a quick way to activate our lymphatic system, and it’s an ideal way to gain that quick boost. Meanwhile, a Gua Sha might involve having to slow down since it requires a bit more attention and concentration on the rhythm of your breath.

How often should I use Gua Sha?

The frequency of your Gua Sha Facial could depend on your lifestyle and the results you’re wanting to achieve. Our estheticians would recommend bi-weekly sessions for the first two months, and then you can get them once a month after that.

If you’re interested in doing an at-home Gua Sha, ask our estheticians and we will gladly explain the proper way so you can reap the most benefit.

Are there drawbacks to Gua Sha?

We might have said it time and time again, but in order to see results, Gua Sha requires time and effort. This isn’t an instant treatment, and you’ve got to learn and practice the right techniques. These are essential to ensure you’re getting the most out of this procedure.

Are You Ready to Try Gua Sha in Scottsdale?

Now that we’ve answered some of the most asked questions, now is our time to ask: are you ready to try Gua Sha in Scottsdale?

Aloe Beauty Spa offers Gua Sha alongside our signature facials, and these treatments are proven effective and relaxing for our clients. Know that each treatment is done by our certified esthetician, and your comfort is always guaranteed.

If you’re ready to try Gua Sha, book an appointment with Aloe Beauty Spa today.


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