Can You Wear Make-Up After a Microneedling Treatment in Scottsdale?

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It’s 2022 and we’re quite sure that you’ve already heard of microneedling treatment, right?

This has been one of the best and most popular beauty treatments this year, and this is something that we also offer here at Aloe Beauty Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona.

While microneedling treatment is slowly becoming more and more popular, it’s so important to know the do’s and don’ts before going for this beauty treatment. While there’s no downtime to microneedling, there are still things that you have to keep in mind to ensure the best possible outcome from your treatment – especially if this is your first time.

In this article, we’re mainly focusing on microneedling and make-up; these are two of the things that most of us love due to their benefits and due to how beautiful they make us feel.

Not only that, but we’re going to answer this age-old question: can you wear make-up after microneedling in Scottsdale?

Microneedling and Make-Up: Two of Our Favorites

It’s safe to say that most beauty lovers are keen on both microneedling and make-up, right?

These are two things that make most people feel beautiful, and while these aren’t “everything,” it’s still a good feeling to know that we can turn to these things every once in a while.

We’ve asked our expert esthetician about her thoughts when it comes to microneedling and make-up, so find out what she has to say throughout the article.

How soon can you wear make-up after microneedling?

According to our expert esthetician, applying make-up is fine the following day since this won’t impact your microneedling treatment much. However, it’s best to keep in mind to leave out any coconut oil (you don’t want that on your face) and hydrocortisone (it’s very unnecessary).

If you have any other concerns regarding what kind of make-up or products to use after your treatment, simply ask our licensed estheticians after your session. Know that we’re always eager to help you out and let you in on some “secrets” – that’s a guarantee.

How many times should you get microneedling treatments?

If you’re looking to get better and longer-lasting results, then it’s best to go for a microneedling treatment every four to six weeks. This is the recommended frequency to get this treatment done, and this means that you can see better results once you get this treatment regularly.

How long will your skin need to recover from microneedling?

As per our expert esthetician, the recovery time for microneedling is two to three hours – yes, it’s really that short and simple. As we’ve previously mentioned, there’s no downtime when it comes to microneedling so you can simply carry on with your day after your treatment.

However, it’s best to keep in mind to stay away from the sun and to avoid doing any activity that will make you sweat profusely. These are important things to keep in mind.

Read More: Microneedling Aftercare: Everything You Need to Know

Microneedling Treatment at Aloe Beauty Spa

Here at Aloe Beauty Spa, we believe in the beauty of microneedling. This is why we’re always eager to educate our readers about this amazing treatment. Plus, we’re also offering some of the best microneedling treatments in Scottsdale.

This holiday season, why don’t you give yourself or your loved ones the gift of microneedling? After all, everybody loves to have great skin, right?

So book an appointment today at Aloe Beauty Spa and we can help you achieve your skin goals for 2023 – that’s for sure.


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