Facial Extractions Explained: What You Need to Know

Blackheads and whiteheads are a common problem for most people, especially those with prominent pores on their faces. These facial issues are caused by many factors, with a similar issue being dirt getting trapped in pores.

The best way to get rid of them is through facial extractions.

Here at Aloe Beauty, our facial treatment packages come with extraction services if needed. Microneedling is the most recommended procedure for those who want to minimize their chances of debris buildup.  

Blackheads vs. Whiteheads: Where Do They Come From? 

Before addressing the problem, you need to know the root of it all.

While similar, there are differences between whiteheads and blackheads beyond appearance.

Blackheads are also called open comedones, which are wide openings to the skin that have accumulated buildup on the surface that has turned brown or black due to oxygen exposure. Extracting blackheads involves removing this buildup, not “breaking” into the skin.

Whiteheads are inflamed blemishes that are a combination of dirt, dead skin cells, and excess sebum (oil) and are a lot harder to remove without running the risk of scarring. 

How Do I Know If I Need Facial Extractions?

Blackheads and whiteheads are not challenging to spot on your face.

For blackheads, the black or brown dots mostly found on the nose are a sign of clogged pores. Whiteheads are blemishes often found on the cheek area. People who have acne scarring may be familiar with this concern. 

If you have clogged pores, blackheads, and whiteheads that aren't responding to treatment or an acne breakout, then it may be time for facial extractions. And if large pores seem like they're getting bigger every day — and/or if fine lines are starting to appear around them — it might be time for some serious pore tightening.

Getting a microneedling treatment in our Scottsdale beauty spa can solve both concerns.

If you need facial extractions, the treatment is packaged with it along with LED light treatment and masks. Microneedling is one of the most effective treatments for skin tightening, which will help prevent it in the long run. 

What Are the Benefits of Facial Extractions?

Facial extractions can help with acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and other skin issues. They also reduce fine lines and wrinkles by removing surface debris from your face.

If you want to brighten up your complexion, facial extraction is the way to go.

The results will be much more noticeable than regular skincare products containing similar ingredients like retinol or glycolic acid.

Facial extractions are an excellent choice if you have large pores or dull skin tone because they allow for better absorption of product into the deeper layers of your epidermis. 

Looking for a Facial Extraction? Try Microneedling Treatment in Scottsdale 

If your blackheads and whiteheads have bothered you for the longest time, it’s time to take action. Microneedling has been known to be an effective and safe procedure for blackhead and whitehead prevention.

Trust the professionals at Aloe Beauty to provide quality treatments and relaxing spa services every time you visit.

Make an appointment with us today!


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