Microneedling Explained: 4 Facts You Need to Know
Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels
Microneedling has risen to popularity as a procedure for anti-aging, and the before and after show exactly how effective it can be. Although, before you jump into any treatment, you need to know a little more than just the results.
Here at Aloe Beauty, we specialize in facials such as the microneedling treatment in Scottsdale. But before you make an appointment, here are a few things you might need to know first.
Things You Didn’t Know About Microneedling
Microneedling Can Be as Effective as Lasers
There are plenty of people that turn to laser treatments to help with acne scarring. While it is effective, it can certainly break the bank.
What some people don’t know is that microneedling has been proven just as effective for a lower cost. A 2016 study found that microneedling may be able to produce the same results as laser treatments.
Microneedling at Aloe Beauty uses the FDA-approved SkinStylus pen to create tiny punctures on the skin. This helps the skin produce collagen faster, which speeds up the healing process.
The Procedure is Not Pretty
Most cosmetic procedures aren’t easy on the eyes – microneedling is certainly one of them.
Because the process means the skin gets punctured, it is normal to see redness and even specs of blood on your face. But don’t worry, none of it is by accident. These things are expected with a procedure that involves needles going over the skin.
While it may look painful, the discomfort is tolerable. That is why you need a trusted and trained esthetician for the procedure. It is essential to let them know if you have a phobia of either needles or the sight of blood.
Microneedling Has Been Here the Whole Time
If you’re concerned about trying any new “trendy” procedures, then there’s no need to fret about microneedling. While it may dip in and out of trend in the skin care community, microneedling is not a new procedure in the beauty world.
It has been a procedure recommended by dermatologists for decades, dating back as early as 1905. Originally a procedure to help with acne scarring, the benefits of microneedling for other skin concerns have been found conclusive enough to be an effective treatment for age management.
Trust Only the Professionals for Safety
Microneedling is a delicate treatment that needs to be done with a set of expert hands and knowledge. DIY derma rollers are not a substitute for professional microneedling and should be avoided altogether.
Remember that when you attempt to make tiny punctures in your skin, you risk the possibility of doing some serious damage to your epidermis. Not to mention the infection that you might cause in the long term.
Professional skin specialists have been trained and are experienced in going after acne scars and wrinkles with a microneedling pen. You also should know that our needles are changed with every new patient. Plus, each piece of equipment has been sterilized to ensure the procedure is done as safely as possible.
If you want the real benefits of microneedling, leave it to the pros.
Microneedling Treatment in Scottsdale at Aloe Beauty
And that’s just about everything you need to know!
Now that you’ve got the needed information, why not try it yourself? Aloe Beauty offers microneedling treatment if you live near Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona.
Our experienced staff will not only provide professional microneedling but also throw in relaxing services such as massages to complete the rejuvenating experience.
Reserve a date with us today!