What You Should Know Before a Microneedling Treatment

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Microneedling is a beauty procedure that has been going around the industry for years on end. Although, do you know what you should do before going through your first microneedling treatment?

The world of beauty is a field that naturally evolves.

This is something that is naturally occurring thanks to the various innovations that countless scientists and beauty experts have discovered almost every time.

Here at Aloe Beauty, we aim to educate our readers and prospective clients when it comes to all things skincare and beauty.

So we’re going to be telling you what you should know before going for a microneedling treatment at our beauty spa in Scottsdale, Arizona.

What is a Microneedling Treatment?

Microneedling is one of the most skin-rejuvenating procedures that beauty spas offer around the country – this is why we’re proud to offer our microneedling treatment here at Aloe Beauty.

While this beauty procedure handles needles, it doesn’t mean that it’s painful or that it hurts.

As the microneedles pass through your skin, you’re going to feel a bit of tingling due to the creation of micro-wounds on your skin.

There’s nothing to worry about though as these micro-wounds will be the gateway for the new elastin and collagen to be produced. These are two things that our skins need to appear younger, healthier, and more rejuvenated.

This beauty procedure is a win, and this is not to be confused with the nanoneedling treatment that we also offer here at Aloe Beauty.

Important Information to Know Before Going for a Microneedling Treatment

While we encourage our readers to try microneedling at our beauty spa in Scottsdale, we want them to be aware of certain important information surrounding this beauty trend.

After all, your safety and comfort are our concerns.

Did you know that microneedling isn’t just exclusive to your face?

This is a treatment that can help with acne scarring, hair restoration, fine lines, wrinkles, and even stretch marks. This is why it can be done on any part of your skin that needs to be treated like your legs, butt, or chest.

Here at Aloe Beauty, we offer one of the best microneedling in Scottsdale – that’s for sure.

Depending on how severe your cosmetic problems are, the amount of microneedling treatment that you should get would also vary.

Those who are trying to improve the fine lines, wrinkles, and minor scars that they’re dealing with can get this procedure once every three to six months.

While those with a more severe acne scarring should plan a session once per month for up to four to six months.

As soon as you’ve finished your microneedling sessions, you can then come in once a year at Aloe Beauty to get a touch-up to make your skin look revived and rejuvenated.

Try Our Microneedling Treatment at Aloe Beauty

Here at Aloe Beauty, not only do we offer microneedling treatments, but we also offer a variety of other services like facials, nanoneedling, lash lifts, and more.

We’re also one of the first beauty spas to offer the famed Korean BB Glow Treatment in Scottsdale.

You’re more than welcome to visit our beauty spa and try these treatments at Aloe Beauty.

Rest assured that your comfort and security are our priorities, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that you’re getting only the best level of service from our licensed aestheticians.

So what are you waiting for?

Book your first session with Aloe Beauty today or browse through the services we offer.

We can’t wait to have you over here in Scottsdale, and we can’t wait to show you how amazing microneedling treatments can be.


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