Why Our Estheticians Are Obsessed with Microneedling Treatment

Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

For decades now, microneedling has been going around the United States of America at such a fast pace – we believe that this goes to show that more and more people are getting hooked on this type of beauty treatment. Today, microneedling in Scottsdale is in demand too.

Aloe Beauty Spa is one of the leading facial spas in Scottsdale; though we also offer our services to those in Phoenix, Arizona. You can rest assured that all of our estheticians are licensed and that they’ll do a job well done – that’s a guarantee.

Recently, more and more people are getting hooked on microneedling treatments.

Frankly, it’s not hard to figure out why, especially since this beauty treatment provides such amazing benefits.

We’ve asked our estheticians why they’re getting obsessed with microneedling treatments in Scottsdale, and they said that the answers are in the results. We really can’t argue with that, especially because microneedling can produce collagen, which is beneficial to our skin’s overall health.

This article will answer some questions that can explain further why our estheticians are obsessed with Aloe Beauty Spa’s microneedling treatments.

The Beauty of Microneedling Treatments in Scottsdale

If you’re looking for a beauty treatment that can help with improving your acne scars and fine lines, then you’ve found what you’re looking for in microneedling. This is one of our favorite beauty treatments, and we take pride in providing microneedling to our clients around Arizona.

There’s so much more to microneedling than what most people know, and we’ll answer some questions that you might want to ask before going for a session.

What is the purpose of microneedling?

Microneedling is a type of beauty treatment that uses micro-needles to create micro-wounds in our skin – yes, hence the name. Although this treatment uses micro-needles, it doesn’t mean that it’s painful. After all, this beauty treatment is done in a professional setting and by a group of professional estheticians that have your best interest in mind.

This treatment is great when it comes to producing collagen and elastin in our skin, which can diminish as we grow older. Not only that, but microneedling can result in firmness of the skin, better texture, reduced fine lines, and a decrease in pore size.

Is microneedling treatment painful at all?

We’re here to assure you that microneedling treatment is not painful at all.

While a person’s pain tolerance can also factor into how “painful” a microneedling treatment can be, it really isn’t something that you should worry about. However, if you’re really scared to go through it but want the benefits that it gives, then worry not for there’s a numbing cream that can be used so you won’t be able to feel a thing.

How long is the recovery period for microneedling?

There really is no downside when it comes to microneedling, though it’s best to keep in mind that your face might be a bit red during the first few days. Though it’s best to know that microneedling is a treatment that you can do on a Friday and then show up to work on a Monday – that’s a guarantee to our clients around Arizona.

Can you go through microneedling while you’re pregnant?

If you’re pregnant and you’re keen on trying out microneedling, then you would have to wait a few months because this isn’t something that can be done while pregnant. It’s definitely not recommended by our estheticians at Aloe Beauty Spa.

How much does microneedling cost at a Scottsdale facial spa?

The pricing will always depend on where you go. Here at Aloe Beauty Spa, our microneedling treatments start from $300 to $450, so it’s best to reach out to our estheticians if you have any questions regarding our services.

Ready to Try a Microneedling Treatment in Scottsdale?

Microneedling is surely one of our favorite treatments here at Aloe Beauty Spa, and you can rest assured that we have your best interest in mind. Plus, it’s a guarantee that every single treatment we offer at our beauty spa in Scottsdale is safe and effective.

If you have any questions regarding our microneedling treatment or any of our treatments, simply reach out and we’d be more than happy to answer them.

Either way, book an appointment to try your very first microneedling treatment in Scottsdale. Know that this treatment is effective, comfortable, and very safe – you’ll surely never look back.


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